The Importance of SWMS…

Why is a work method statement important?

Safe Work Method Statements are fundamental in assisting the prevention of accidents and injuries within the workplace. Method statements are particularly important to monitor construction work as everyday tasks in pallet racking installations tend to involve high levels of risk.

The primary purpose of our SWMS is to help our team and any other persons at the workplace to recognise the requirements that have been established to carry out the high-risk construction work for pallet racking installations in a safe and healthy manner.

ECI SWMS set out the work activities in logical sequences, identifies hazards and risks with solutions on how to avoid/deal with a circumstance.

Keeping our team safe
Our team are inducted using our ECI Online Induction Program which encompasses our SWMS set out, demonstrating the risks involved for pallet racking installations.
Before entering a site to work, our team are updated on all potential risks involved, and made aware how to avoid possible dangers to their health and safety when installing storage systems.

We are confident in our induction program ensuring it provides all the information safeguarding our team stay safe.

Storage System Installers Australia wide

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Warehouse Space…


The team behind ECI…